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Ancient Egyptian God and Goddess Map

Ancient Egyptian God and Goddess 

The Map of Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddess  in Our Site : Ancient Egyptian

God Name God Title /s God Function /s
King of Gods
1. The Hidden one
2. The pilot who
3. Knows the water
4. King of the Gods
5. Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands
Solar God : Theban variation of God Ra , often called Amun-Ra ; became national god by Eighteenth Dynasty ; patron of mariners; controlled the life-span of individual ; divine father of Queen Hatshepsut
1. The Watch Dog
2. Lord of the Mummy Wrapping
3. Counter of Hearts
4. Lord of the Holy land
God of mummification , and death ; responsible for caring for the bodies of the recently deceased ; he checked the balance of the dead ; supported the mummy during the Opening of thee Mouth ceremony
Apophis ( Apep )
The Enemy of Re Snake Enemy of Ra representing the darkest part of the night ti be defeated by Ra

Physical manifestation of Ra as the sun disk ; worshiped in particular by Akhenaten
God of the sun in the evening

God of the sun in the evening ; alternate from Ra; pilot of the solar boat at night
Goddess of Pleasure

Feline goddess of pleasure and protector from evil spirits

Divine protector of new mothers and newborn children; god of music, dance , and jollity; protector of domestic happiness ; encourager of toilet training ; supervisor of the bed and its pleasures
God of Earth

The Great Cackler
God of earth and living plants and creatures; responsible for bodies of the dead in their tombs; some of Shu and Tefnut; usually depicted as a goose
God of the Nile River
Primeval One of Earth Personification of the Nile;fertility god and provider of food in the afterlife
Hathor | Part 2
Goddess Of Love

The Festival of the Sacred Marriage
Great Mother; The house of Horus; Kay of the West; lady of the Holy Country; Lady of all Cow-headed goddess of the sky ; goddess of the love , music, beauty and joy ; greeter of the dead at the entrance of the underworld protector of women ; sometimes considered the wife of Horus.
Herakhty ( Ra Herakhty )

Combination from if Ra and Horus; god of the morning sun depicted with falcon's head

The Elder
Horus Facts Part 2


Battle between Seth and Horus  / Part 2 and Part 3  
Fifth child of Geb and But ; steerer of the solar boat
Horus the Younger
1. Guide of the Underworld
2. Lord of the two Lands
Falcon-headed sub god; Protector and guide of souls through the underworld ; protector of kins; son of Isis and Osiris
1. He who comes in peace
2. Son of Ptah
3. Wisest and most Learned One
God who was originally an actual human being - the architect of the Step Pyramid of Djoser ; came to prominence in the Graeco-Roman period ; god of science , magic and medicine ; often associated with Thoth
Isis Goddess of Magic
Osiris and Isis Story Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Great Mother Wife of Osiris ; daughter of Geb and Nut ; daughter of Geb and Nut ; archetype of wifely love and devoted motherhood ; goddess of magic and healing ; grain goddess in concert with Osiris; guardian of canopic jars

God of the morning sun ; alternate from of Ra ; God of creation and rebirth
The molder father of Fathers and Mothers of Mothers Creates human beings out of clay ; creator god primarily popular in Upper Egypt ; gatekeeper of the annual Nile flood
God of Youth and the Moon
His name means " to travel and move about" Son of Amun and Mut ; associated with Toth as messenger of the gods ; god of the moon ; assisted in conception and filled living beings with the air of life
Goddess of Truth and Justice
1. The Blinding of Truth
2. Thoth and Maat | Facts and Secrets 
Goddess of truth and justice ; more of an abstract concept that actual character ; always present at the trail of the " soul of the deceased "
God of fertility

God of fertility ; vegetation food and bringer of rain ; associated with the vigor of the Pharaoh
The Great Great Mother
Great mother Consort of Amun ; protective goddess associated with the vulture ; sometimes identified with Maat

Guardian of canopic jars ; also considered a war goddess and inventor of waving

Lady of the House Sister of Isis , and Seth; wife of Seth ; daughter of Geb an Nut ; as counterpart of Isis , she represented death and decay the invisible , and darkness ; one of four guardians of canopic jars

God of the primeval waters; often depicted as a bearded man holding up the solar oat , when he symbolizes the underworld
Goddess of the Sky

1. She Great Protectress
2. She with Braided Hair Who Gave Birth to the Gods
Goddess of the sky ; daughter of Shu and Tefnut daily gave birth to the gods and souls of the dead while in the solar boat
Egyptian God of the Underworld
1. The Murder of Osiris
2. Osiris and Isis Story  Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
God of death and resurrection; god of the underworld ; god of fertility and vegetation ; god of beer and wine ; son of Nut and Geb ; the first king king of human beings
1. Lord of Maat
2. God of the Beautiful Face in Thebes
3. Lord of the year
Memphite god of creation originator of food , labor , movement and "all good things "; patron of artists and artisans and those who work with metal or stone ; the treasurer of time
Gog of the Sun

  1. The Secret Name of Ra Part 1 and Part 2
  2. Ra in His Declining Years
  3. The Daily Voyage of Ra
  4. Ra as Royal Father
  5. Ra the Sun God and the Phoenix

Sun God ; Chief god of the Great Ennead ; Creator God ; Pilot of the Solar Boat
Egyptian Goddess of War
1. The Great Lady beloved of Ptah
2. Eye of Ra
Lion-headed goddess of war ; an alternative from of Hathor ; sister and wife of Path ; associated with the destructive forces of the Sun's heat

Scorpion goddess ; one of the guardians of canopic jars
Egyptian God of Evil and Chaos
The Red God | Battle between Seth and Horus  / Part 2 and Part 3 God of Evil , chaos m and violence , god of darkness and storm ; enemy of Osiris; son of Geb and Nut
Father of Gods
The Uplifter God of air and the space between the earth and sky ; son of Ra ; personification of the wind

Crocodile god of Upper Egypt ; sometimes considered evil , at other times as a protector of the dead

Goddess of Mist ; daughter of Ra ; sometimes associated with moon
God of Knowledge and Writing

1. Divine Author
2. The Place- Taker of Ra
3. Heart of Ra
4. Bull of Justice
God of wisdom , medicine and science ; lunar god ; Ra's messenger among humans ; creator the alphabet, writing , mathematics , and astronomy ; he recorded the verdict of the judgment o souls in the underworld ; considered creator god world ; considered creator god at his cult center in Heliopolis
Egyptian God of Perfume

Egyptian God of Perfume

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