Tomb of Userhet
This tomb, situated near that of Ramose, belongs to a royal scribe in the reign of Amenhotep II, and the paintings are extremely well preserved. On the left-hand entrance wall there are rural scenes. These include the inspection and branding of cattle, overthrowing bulls, and the collection of grain. The rear left-hand wall (b) is partly destroyed. It shows the deceased feasting with members of his family. He is offered a necklace and a cup, and his son brings a bouquet of flowers.
Tomb of Userhet |
On the right-hand rear wall (c), bags of gold-dust are being counted in the upper registers, and, below, is a delightful scene of the inspection of recruits; men, including barbers, are seated beneath the tree. Further along the wall bakers make bread (d) and the deceased Userhet, in a colourful red tunic with yellow spots, makes offerings to his pharaoh (e).
Tomb of Userhet |
In the inner corridor, there is a spirited hunting scene at (f), in which the nobleman, in his chariot, shoots at fleeing animals in the desert; these include gazelles, hares and hyena. Userhet has the reins tied around his waist and the string of his bow taut and ready to shoot. At (g) is a scene of weeping women. The rest of the right- hand wall is taken up with a funeral procession including a chariot, horse and river vessels. (In the niche to the rear of the corridor are statues of the owner and his wife.)
Tomb of Userhet |
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