The Island of Sehel
A few kilometres from Aswan can be found the first cataract on the Nile, a vast area of turbulent water and eddying whirlpools broken by numerous outcrops of rock and little islands. The island of Sehel in the midst of this minuscule archipelago of islands is well worth visiting. Gigantic blocks of granite covered with figures and inscriptions can be seen lying around without any semblance of order. The oldest date from the Vlth dynasty but there are examples of all periods up to the Ptolemaic period. The graffiti commemorate the passage of various royal dignitaries.
Island of Sehel |
Sehel Island |
Island of Sehel - Egypt |
Posted in: pictures,Sehel Island,The Island of Sehel,The Island of Sehel Egypt
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